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 Growth Chart Template

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Age (Weeks)Weight (lbs)Length (in)Head Circumference (in)Weight PercentileLength Percentile

First Six Weeks Milestone Chart example.


Age (Weeks)MilestoneDescription / GoalsNotes / Observations
1ReflexesDemonstrates reflexes like the Moro reflex and grasp reflex.Watch for involuntary movements.
1Head PositionTurns head to the side when lying down.Encouraged by gentle neck support.
2Tracking SoundsBegins to turn head toward soundsUse soft voices to attract attention.
2Visual TrackingFocuses on objects about 8-12 inches awayUse simple black-and-white objects for visual stimulation.
3SmilingSmiles responsively, particularly to caretakersCaptures interactions.
3Improved Head ControlLifts head 45 degrees when lying on the stomachEncourage tummy time.
4Cooing and VocalizingBegins to make cooing sounds, experimenting with voiceRespond to sounds to encourage communication.
4Better Muscle ToneShows improved muscle tone; may kick legs and move armsEngage in gentle exercise during playtime.
5Social EngagementBegins to engage more with caregivers, showing interest in facesFocus on eye contact and interaction.
5Pushes Up SlightlyCan push up to forearms when on tummy, showing strengthContinue tummy time practice.
6Visual DiscriminationStarts to recognize familiar faces and objectsIntroduce a few toys or books.
6Weight GainSteady weight gain; should be at or above birth weight by 2 weeksMonitor through regular check-ups.

Instructions for Use:

  • Copy the Table: Feel free to copy the chart into a document or spreadsheet.
  • Fill in the Observations: As your baby reaches each milestone, you can note your observations and experiences related to that milestone.
  • Add Personal Touches: Personal notes, dates of achievement, or reflections can enhance the chart’s usefulness.

This milestone chart provides a structure for recognizing and celebrating your baby’s early developmental stages, capturing those precious moments along the way! If you have any further adjustments or additional milestones to consider, just let me know!

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